With the support of Christ the King Parish and Fr. Bong Tupino, author and CTK regular Rudy Ibañez held a book launch of his most recent work, ‘A Touch of Heaven: A Journey of Faith’, last Wednesday May 24 just before the end of the 6 pm mass.

Fr . Bong introduced Rudy, a former Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Eucharist, current member of the Knights of Columbus, and author of seven other books (three of them winning the CMMA Cardinal Sin Book Award, in 2008, 2011, and 2013) then called him to give a short talk about the book. Rudy informed the congregation that the book was a result of his near-death experience during surgery in early 2015. He also introduced his ‘coauthor’, his nephew Diego Dumul.

The big surprise was when Rudy announced that he was giving everyone in the congregation a free copy of the book. And he and nephew Diego gallantly sat in the front pew to autograph the book copies for all those who requested – which was nearly everyone.

Fr. Bong wrote the book’s ‘Message’, where he said, ‘Reading through the book, I felt as if I was a fellow pilgrim walking through Rudy’s life story and witnessing the loving presence of God as it unfolded in every significant event and person he encountered in his life. I take this chance to express how blessed our parish community is to have him as a fellow pilgrim, giving us inspiration and hope.’

Rudy writes about the ‘urgent need to describe what I experienced in the 12 hours I was on the operating table, where I sensed Jesus’ pervasive presence, drawing me close to a blinding light.’ He looks for an answer to the question, ‘Why did Kuya Hesus bring me back?’ And by the end of the book, the answer become clear to the author – ‘Kuya Hesus has given me a second chance with a mission to help spread his love.’ With this book, Rudy hopes to start or re-ignite the reader’s vibrancy of faith.

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