Introduction to the CTK Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)

It is the highest consultative and pastoral body in the parish, which, working closely with the parish priest, plans, organizes, coordinates, implements, monitors and evaluates the pastoral programs and activities of the parish.  It is a representative body of the different areas, groups, and organizations within the parish; and also a ministerial body where parish services and activities are carried out through the different ministries and support groups.

The president of the PPC is the Parish Priest. As an ordained minister, he is the shepherd, who holds authority and responsibility over the parish, as appointed and tasked by his bishop. The parish priest promotes the attainment of PPC pastoral objectives and programs and calls for PPC meetings thru the Lay Coordinator. As head of the PPC, the parish priest appoints the officers of the PPC.

The Parish Pastoral Officers (PPO)

Composed of the Lay Coordinator, Assistant Lay Coordinator, Secretary and Treasurer, the PPO (or Executive Committee) is a small body within the PPC that assists the parish priest in maintaining and managing the PPC; the parish priests regularly convenes the PPO for consultation on pastoral matters to guide him in his pastoral decisions.

Parish Pastoral Council Officers: Duties and Responsibilities

Lay Coordinator

  1. Call for, prepare the agenda of, and preside at all regular, special and emergency PPC meetings.
  2. As Chief Operating Officer, ensure that all PPC policies, decisions and resolutions are complied with and implemented.
  3. Sign or countersign vouchers and PPC checks and official correspondences.
  4. Represent the CTK PPC in vicariate and diocese meetings and disseminate information coming from the diocese and vicariate.
  5. Lead the Parish Pastoral officers in assisting the parish priest with the annual PPC planning and performance evaluation processes.

Assitant Lay Coordinator

  1. Assist the Lay Coordinator in the fulfillment of his duties and functions.
  2. Assume the function of the Lay Coordinator when the latter is unable to do so

Note: This position will not be nominated. One of the selected ministry coordinators will be invited to assume this role.


  1. Record the proceedings, or edit drafts submitted by the admin assistant, of all meetings of the Pastoral Council and the Executive Committee and to preserve the minutes thereof.
  2. To transmit to members of the Pastoral Council and the Executive Committee notices of meetings, copies of the minutes of the meetings, and other official communications.
  3. To maintain an accurate and up-to-date directory of officers and members of the Pastoral Council, the Executive Committee, the ministries, liturgical groups, mandated organizations, and renewal movements in the parish.
  4. Arrange meeting venue and whatever resources are required; coordinate with parish staff re equipment, table and chair arrangements, registration, and food preparations


  1. Keep the financial records of the Parish Pastoral Council.
  2. Disburse funds to ministry heads and implementing organizations of the Social Services and Development Ministry. But before any disbursement, check if requests are in accordance to budget, that funds are available, fund request paperwork has been filled out, and approved signatories have signed off. Where funds are disbursed as advances (rather than reimbursement of actual expenses), ensure that these advances are properly liquidated with supporting documents before any subsequent disbursements are made.
  3. Prepare regular monthly updates on financial status to the PPC and the Executive Committee.
  4. Monitor bank balances to ensure that no penalties are incurred for overdrafts and retaining minimum balances.

Parish Pastoral Council Members: The CTK Ministries and Their Missions

The obvious responsibility of ministry heads is to head their ministries. Hence, it’s important to be reminded what the missions of the different ministries are.

Worship Ministry

The Worship Ministry should provide for orderly, animated and meaningful liturgical celebrations, especially of the Eucharist and the sacraments in the parish center and in the different BEC communities. It also promotes the growth and deepening of commitment of the different liturgical ministries and organizations meant to enhance worship life. Finally, the ministry promotes devotion to the Eucharist, to Christ the King, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Worship Ministry head works with the LeCom Coordinator, the EMHC Coordinator, the Altar Server Coordinator, the GreCol Coordinator, the Music Ministry Coordinator, and the MBMG head.

  1. Lectors & Commentators Coordinator. Ensure that the 150 or so LeComs all effectively proclaim the Word of God to the community so that parishioners meaningfully share in the Eucharistic celebration. Regularly check if new or ineffective LeComs need coaching and assign the mass coordinators or senior LeComs to work with those identified. Meet with the LeComs regularly to remind them of compliance requirements, upcoming schedules, skills upgrading tips and techniques, and reminders on most commonly committed errors. Identify responsible mass coordinators in order to delegate work. Ensure that mass coordinators are alert and that replacements are always found for LeComs on leave, absent or caught in an emergency. Provide Basic Orientation in-parish for new LeCom recruits. Ensures that online Sambuhays are disseminated ahead of time, all assigned readers know the Scripture to be read, and the commentators know of any changes or additions to the regular format.
  2. EMHC Coordinator. Ensure that the 100 or so EMHCs all effectively assist the priest in adminsitering the Eucharist during Communion at Mass, taking communion to the sick, and giving it as a viaticum to the dying. Regularly check if new or ineffective EMHCs need coaching and assign the mass coordinators or senior EMHCs to work with those identified. Meet with the EMHCs regularly to remind them of compliance requirements, upcoming schedules, skills upgrading tips and techniques, and reminders on most commonly committed errors. Identify responsible mass coordinators in order to delegate work. Ensure that mass coordinators are alert and that replacements are always found for EMHCs on leave, absent or caught in an emergency. Provide Basic Orientation in-parish for new EMHC recruits.
  3. Greeters & Collectors Coordinator. Ensure that the 25 GreCols all effectively welcome everyone to the masses on the weekends, usher people to their seats, distribute and collect the collection boxes, prompt for Holy Communion, assist the handicapped in receiving the Eucharist, and provide scarves to the female parishioners who may need one. Regularly check if new or ineffective GreCols need coaching and assign the mass coordinators or senior GreCols to work with those identified. Meet with the GreCols regularly to remind them of compliance requirements, upcoming schedules, and reminders on most commonly committed errors. Ensure that mass coordinators are alert and that replacements are found for GreCols on leave, absent or caught in an emergency. Provide Basic Orientation in-parish for new GreCol recruits.
  4. Altar Servers Coordinator. Ensure that the 45 Altar Servers assist the priest by effectively preparing the altar and sacred vessel, carrying the cross or the processional candles, holding the book for the priest celebrant when he is not at the altar, carrying the incense and censer, presenting the bread, wine and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts, assisting him when he receives the gifts from the people, and assisting the priest in washing of the hands. Regularly recruit for new altar servers and provide Basic Orientation, followed by apprenticeship in masses. Meet with the Altar Servers regularly to remind them of compliance requirements, upcoming schedules, and reminders on most commonly committed errors. Ensure that mass coordinators are alert and that replacements are found for Altar Servers on leave, absent or caught in an emergency. Consciously sell the priestly vocation to the altar servers and arrange for get-togethers with priests, seminarians, or other altar servers from other parishes.
  5. Music Ministry Coordinator. Ensure that music is an integral and vibrant part of our worship together at Christ the King. Work with the 25 or so choirs and solo organist-singers to ensure that all masses are covered, including novena masses, and ensure that back-up solo organist-singers can cover for emergencies. Arrange regular choir training and coaching for all the choirs to ensure the highest quality vocal music. Review and approve new arrangements to ensure conformity with music ministry standards and liturgical guidelines.

Formation Ministry

The primary mission of the Formation Ministry is evangelization, education and providing spiritual formation and renewal to deepen the faith and commitment of the parishioners based on Sacred Scriptures and Church teachings. Hence, the Formation Ministry head should sustain the weekly Bible Study program, conducted for CTK by Verbum Dei. It should also continue the momentum gained by the monthly Catechism of the Catholic Church study program, conducted through the Couples for Christ. The Formation Ministry head should also regularly sponsors faith-related talks and works with the Catechetical Ministry to provide Bible study facilitators to BEC or village coordinators on regular continuing basis. The Coffee After Church fellowship program is currently with the Formation Ministry.

Social Services & Development Ministry

SSDM is the pastoral arm of the Parish charged with the mission of responding to the socio-economic needs of the poor, in ways ranging from relief and rehabilitation to confrontation with the root causes of those in need with a view to applying remedies. The goal of SSDM is to find ways and means to help alleviate poverty and improve the living conditions of the oppressed, exploited and depressed families. The SSD Ministry head works with the heads of the implementing ‘agencies’ in the planning and execution of the various programs, namely: Ladies of Charity, Catholic women’s League, Knights of Columbus, Buklod ng Panginoon, Apostleship of Prayer, Mother Butler Mission Guild, and Christian Family Movement.

Programs usually include: scholarships for high school and college students; prison apostolate; nurtsery and elementary school feeding programs; medical-dental missions; catechism for abused children; livelihood training and skills upgrade; rice distribution.

Family & Life Ministry

The mission of the Family and Life Ministry is to implement programs that support and strengthen thedignity, harmony, and stability of the family, the ‘domestic Church’, the first school of evangelization; to deepen appreciation of and enlightenment on the sacredness of life, importance of sacra mental marriage, responsible parenthood, enrichment of married-family life; to provide assistance or guidance to address special problems of different members of the family. It is the Family & Life Ministry that runs the Marriage Vocation Program, Christ the King’s pre-cana workshop. For several projects, e.g., Kingdom of Heaven or Holyween Fair, Easter Egg hunt, Day of Sacraments, etc., the F&L Ministry head works with the Youth Ministry head and the Mustard Seed Ministry head to ensure program success.

Youth Ministry

The mission of the Youth Ministry is to provide for the formation and organization of the youth – with talks, events, retreats, outreach, missions, pilgrimages – to realize their Christian potential, empower them to live as disciples of Jesus, elicit their participation in Church activities, and to prepare them as future parish leaders. The vision is to mobilize the youth as instrument of evangelization among their fellow youth and others and to bring Christ to the less fortunate youth and make them feel that they are part of or that they belong to the greater community of Christ. One specific vehicle is the PREX Youth. The Youth Ministry head partners with several other like-minded organizations – Courage Philippines, Timothy Youth Ministry of Living Hope Prayer Community, Days with the Lord, etc.

Children’s (Mustard Seed) Ministry

The ministry concentrates on gathering young pre-communicant children of parishioners attending the 9 am and 10:30 am Sunday masses, meeting at the CTK conference room and providing them with fun activities. In the process, the youth volunteers nurture the children to love the Word of God. The children then rejoin their parents at the Main Church after they participate in the offertory procession with the love gifts they created during their time together. The ministry is also involved with preparing children for the annual First Communion rite and working with the liturgical groups to formalize the CTK Children’s Choir, organizing the cry room portion of the main church, and making the once-a-month children’s mass a permanent assignment. The ministry is the lead ministry for Easter Egg hunt preparations and the Kingdom of Heaven Fair.The Mustard Seed Ministry head works with several volunteers to carry out its Sunday program.

Seniors (Sunrise) Ministry

The ministry addresses the spiritual, formational, educational, emotional, physical and communal needs of the elderly in Christ the King Parish Greenmeadows, whether they live in the gated villages or in the Libis sitios. Projects have included seniors’ general assemblies, pilgrimages, painting workshops, and tai chi sessions.

Vocation Ministry

The mission of the Vocation Ministry is to plan and implement programs for vocation awareness and promotion. The most common path to the religious vocation is via the Altar Server role, hence, though the Altar Servers as a group falls under the Worship Ministry, the Vocation Ministry head is often also the coordinator for Altar Servers. The ministry holds an annual Vocation Sunday, invites seminarians, and conducts vocation talks among the altar servers and the young scholars of the Ladies of Charity and Knights of Columbus.

Catechetical Ministry

The Catechetical Ministry’s mission is to plan and implement programs for Catechesis of children, youth, and their parents; and to assist in preparation of those receiving the Sacraments.

Working with volunteer catechists, the Catechetical Ministry head is responsible for the various religious education and sacramental preparation programs at Christ the King Parish Greenmeadows. At CTK, the ministry is responsible for the annually Flores de Mayo summer catechism classes conducted for the youth of barangays Libis and Bagumbayan. The ministry is also responsible for the annual Confirmation (Kumpilang Bayan) as well as the preparatory classes necessary before receiving the sacrament. Their consistent task is the weekly catechetical and bible instruction given to the scholars of Ladies of Charity and Knights of Columbus.

Public Affairs Ministry

In pursuit of the prophetic mission of the church, the ministry is supposed to keep the Catholic faithful abreast with the socio-political and economic issues in aid of informing their conscience, thus, the Public Affairs Ministry is to implement programs for a wide range of socio-political advocacies. These include but not limited to:

a. Women’s rights. The ministry can foster awareness of women issues and implement special programs to assist female domestic helpers, female overseas workers, wives of overseas workers, as well as female victims of abuse and violence.

b. Political affairs. The ministry can work for the transformation of the political order, oppose legislation that contradicts Gospel values and Christian doctrine, and assist in ensuring fair and honest elections.

c. Environment. The ministry can promote the proper care and development of natural resources and the environment as stewards of God’s creation. Activities and programs could include recycling, conservation, tree planting, minimizing carbon footprint, etc.

d. Human rights. The ministry can make its voice heard against human rights abuses, especially extra-judicial
killings by police forces committed in the name of combatting the drug menace.

Others advocacies might include: drug use rehabilitation for surrenderees; inter-faith dialogue; reproductivehealth; prison congestion reform; urban poor issues; quick disaster response, etc.

Media Ministry

The mission of the ministry is to utilize the various ways of communicating to parishioners to inform them of upcoming events, report on recent activities, call for volunteers, echo diocese priorities such as the DCPA, foster a strong CTK parish community spirit, and create the strong impression that the ministries are active and that CTK is a vibrant parish. Avenues currently include quarterly newsletters, web site, Facebook pages, and electronic displays. Future outlets could include other social media such as Twitter and Instagram.

Urban Poor Ministry

As the name impies, the ministry will focus on the material and spiritual needs of the urban poor of the parish and the diocese, which may include but not be limited to housing and resettlement, poverty alleviation, employment and vocational skills training, personal finance training, family formation, criminality and incarceration, education, sanitation, etc.

Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC) Coordinators: Duties and

  1. Parish Coordinator. Prepares parish-wide BEC-related programs and activities. Organizes BEC workshops for village coordinators and their support teams. Scans and reviews the various BEC programs in other parishes and dioceses to identify what projects and programs might be useful for CTK. Attends meetings of Diocese BEC. Works with the village or community coordinators when it comes to BEC projects and programs.
  2. Village or Community Coordinators. Arranges for regular mass service in the community (for those with village masses, e.g., Acropolis, Corinthian Hills, White Plains, St. Ignatius, and Corinthian Gardens). Nominates community members for parish volunteer positions, Apostle roles during Lent, attendance in parish events, etc. Arranges for special liturgical events, e.g., Way of the Cross, episcopal visitations, processions that go through their community, etc. Mount household, block and village Bible studies, catechism discussions, religious talks, and sharing sessions among neighbors as part of BEC initiative in the village. Work with Parish BEC coordinator when it comes to BEC projects and programs. Work with Worship Ministry when it comes to masses and liturgical-related events. There are Coordinators for: Acropolis, Greenmeadows 1, White Plains, St. Ignatius, Corinthian Gardens, Corinthian Hills, Ivory Court, Enclave, Arcadia-Greenwich, Galleria-Poveda-Eton, La Maison, and Libis.

Heads of Mandated Organizations and Renewal Movements: Duties and Responsibilities

The heads of all mandated religious organizations and renewal-prayer movements that operate as Christ the King Parish Greenmeadows chapters are invited as regular members of the Parish Pastoral Council.

Six of these – Ladies of Charity, Catholic Women’s League, Knights of Columbus, Buklod ng Panginoon, Aposlteship of Prayer, and Christian Family Movement – are designated as implementing ‘agencies’ in the planning and execution of the various Social Services & Development Ministry programs. For the programs that are funded by the PPC, these six organizations report on progress and budget utilization to the SSDM head.

All the heads of the organizations and movements are required to attend the Parish Pastoral Council meetings and report where necessary.