Why Become Catholic? We are convinced that being a part of the Catholic Church is the best decision that you could ever make. If you’re looking for hope, peace, joy, love, purpose, direction, or anything else meaningful, you simply won’t find it out in the world; the world cannot give it, because the world does not have it. Only Jesus satisfies the human heart. We invite you to look at the Catholic Church, the Body of Christ in the world today, with a fresh and open perspective. If you feel that God is offering you this gift, we are here to help you explore the possibility of becoming a full member of the Catholic Church.

Every journey starts with a single step. Come take that first step with us. Everything that happens at Christ the King Parish Greenmeadows flows from and points back to the Sunday Experience, also called Mass. If you have never been to a Catholic Mass before, consider this your formal invitation!  We would love to see you here on Sunday (or Saturday, for the 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm anticipated masses), no matter where you are in your journey of faith. There is always room for you at CTK.

Now, the first time you attend Mass, you may feel a bit out of place. This is normal – it happens every time we try something brand new. So don’t worry if you don’t know the responses or exactly when to sit, stand, kneel, etc. The Catholic Mass is rooted in thousands of years of tradition and it takes awhile to get used to it. Just know that every part of Mass is designed to help you pray and to encounter God. Join us on Sunday and see for yourself.

Whether you have never been baptized or baptized in another faith tradition and seek full communion with the Catholic Church, we will walk with you through the stages of the rite of Christian initiation of adults.
