The Confraternity of Mary Mediatrix of All Graces, Christ the King Greenmeadows Chapter, mounted its 33- day novena starting last February 20, in preparation for the total consecration to Jesus through Mary. Fr. Diego Ibarra IVC from Argentina was invited to talk at the kick-off, entitled ‘Spirit of Reparation: Console the Heart of Jesus and Mary’. His talk was based on St. Louise de Monfort’s book , ‘True Devotion to Mary’. Written by Monfort in 1712, the manuscript was discovered by chance in 1842 and when published in 1843 became an instant success. Monfort’s ‘True Devotion to Mary’ attracted attention in the 20th century when in an address to the Montfort Fathers, Pope John Paul II said that reading this book had been a ‘decisive turning point’ in his life’.

Considered by many to be the greatest single book of Marian spirituality ever written, ‘True Devotion to Mary’ is St. Louis de Montfort’s classic statement on the spiritual way to Jesus Christ though the Blessed Virgin Mary. The book sums up the entire Christian life, showing a way of holiness that is short, easy, secure, and perfect – a way of life chosen by Our Lord Himself. In the book, de Montfort explains the wonderful spiritual effects which true devotion to Mary brings about in a person’s life.

Then last Tuesday, March 6, at 7 pm, Fr. Winston Cabading O.P. did the third talk, ‘Spirit of the World’.

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