Christ the King Parish’s lectors and commentators had their first General Assembly for 2018 last February 17, from 10 am to noon, with 71 LeComs in attendance. The LeCom ministry is headed by Lead Coordinator Mel Novales, which is under the Worship Ministry headed by Peter and Leila Banico.

Deputy LeCom Coordinator Trix Delena delivered the Opening Prayer to start off the assembly. Mel Novales then gave the schedule of LeCom GAs for the rest of the year:
a. 2nd on April 21, Saturday
b. 3rd on July 18, Wednesday
c. 4th on October 20, Saturday

Since the Lectors and Commentators are required to attend at least one General Assembly and two formation talks, Mel also clarified which events were valid formation talks:
‣ Talks arranged by Formation Ministry (schedules to be announced later through the Viber groups)
‣ Lenten Recollection talks on: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday
‣ Talks at the monthly EMHC General Assemblies every 3rd Thursdays of the month

Mel Novales also reminded the lectors commentators that if they cannot make it to their assigned schedule, they have to find a substitute a day or two before and inform their coordinator who the substitute will be. Mass Coordinators were also reminded to regularly remind their members of their schedule a day or two before the scheduled date.

LeCom Ministry Treasurer Ellen Manansala gave a financial update. As of February 17, 2018, net available funds contributed by the members totaled PhP112,500.

Worship Ministry head Leila Banico then took up most of the remaining time to review the Lenten and Easter Seasons’ activities. Among the key points:

– By definition, Lent runs from Ash Wednesday up to morning of Holy Thursday. Holy Week makes up the last part of Lent, running from Palm Sunday to Holy Thursday before the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
– All images in the church and village chapels will be covered before the Palm Sunday mass until Holy Thursday.
– The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday begins the Easter Triduum, which ends on Saturday evening.
– The Easter Season formally begins on Easter Sunday and lasts for eight Sundays until Pentecost Sunday.
– Alleluia is not sung or said during Lent until the Easter Vigil. In place of the ‘Alleluia’ , the choir may sing, ‘Praise and honor to you, Lord Jesus Christ’ or ‘Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ’.
– No Gloria during Lent except on Solemnities and Feasts, e.g., Solemnity of St. Joseph on March 19.
– For Profession of Faith, the Apostle’s Creed is used instead of Nicene Creed.
– During Lent, the altar will not be decorated with flowers, except for the 4th Sunday of Lent, or Laetare Sunday, and on Solemnities and Feasts.
– The liturgical color is violet, except for Solemnities (white) and Palm Sunday (red).
– Palm Sunday masses will consist of two parts – the commemoration of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem which includes the Gospel Reading of the account of the Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem; and the mass itself, with the Gospel Reading being the narrative of the Passion of the Lord.
– The Recollection for Kasambahays and Drivers is scheduled for Holy Monday and Holy Tuesday (two different batches).
– Kumpisalang Bayan will be for three evenings, from Holy Monday to Holy Wednesday, from 6:45 pm to 8 pm.
– On Holy Thursday, we have the Chrism Mass at Lantana in the morning, which celebrates the institution of the priesthood and where the bishop blesses and consecrates the Chrism oils for all the diocese.
– The Parish Recollection will be on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, all at 9:30 am.
– The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday will be at 5:30 pm. The priest receives the parish’s share of the Holy Chrism oils. It will also feature the Washing of the Feet of the 12 Apostles. But there will be no Qinal blessing.
– The Holy Thursday mass will be followed by the Eucharistic Vigil from 7 pm to 12 mn at the Divine Mercy Chapel’s Altar of Repose when the Blessed Sacrament is transferred and the consecrated communion hosts are reserved for use the following day. Villages will be assigned for each hour during the vigil.
– The Good Friday Celebration of the Passion of the Lord will be at 3 pm. There will be no entrance procession, no entrance song, no final blessing, and altar will be bare. There will be a Veneration of the Cross, with the 12 Apostles assisting.
– The Procession of the Santo Entierro and Madre Dolorosa will be at 4:30 pm following the Good Friday 3 pm celebration of the Passion of the Lord. This will be from CTK to Greenmeadows 1 and back.
– The Solemn Easter Vigil (‘the mother of all vigils’) takes place on Holy Saturday at 8 pm. It consists of: Service of the Light; Liturgy of the Word; Liturgy of Baptism; and Liturgy of the Eucharist.
– At 11 pm after the Easter Vigil, the Salubong follows, where the image of the Risen Christ coming from Acropolis meets the image of the Blessed Mother coming from Giraffe Street meet at Christ the King parish grounds.
– On Easter Sunday, which marks the beginning of the Easter Season, the faithful:
‣ renews its bap2smal promise;
‣ recites-sings both Gloria and Alleluia;
‣ uses Regina Coeli instead of the Angelus;
‣ lights the Easter candle in all masses
‣ uses Apostle’s Creed to profess our faith
– For the rest of the Lenten Season, the Regina Coeli, the Easter Candle, and Apostle’s Creed will continue to be used, up to Pentecost Sunday, which marks the end of the Easter Season.

CTK Stewardship head Wins Mirasol gave an introduction to CTK’s brand of stewardship as the last item on the General Assembly agenda


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