The Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion’s (EMHC) annual Lenten Recollection, which includes EMHC spouses as well as retired EMHCs, was held last March 3, 2018, Saturday, at the St. Luke’s Room, facilitated by Fr. Serge Maniba. This activity forms part of the EMHC Ongoing Formation program to help the ministers live out the EMHC Mission of “Bringing Christ closer to everyone through the Eucharist and by living a Eucharistic Life”.

For this recollection, Fr. Serge started off with one of his favorite scriptural passages:

“Blessed are those who trust in the Lord; the Lord will be their trust. They are like a tree planted beside waters that stretches out its roots to the stream: It does not fear heat when it comes, its leaves stay green; in the year of drought it shows no distress, but s2ll produces fruit” (Jeremiah 17: 7-8).

He stressed the importance of allowing God’s Word, through contemplation of and praying with Scripture, to confront a n d transform the words of our lives. Our Lenten pilgrimage should begin with an inward journey, a silent retreat to the vast ‘desert’ of our hearts so we can confront our present distractions. From this pilgrimage, we hope to benefit from for the two gifts of Lent: a) Humility and b) Self-discovery, so that we can more fully appreciate and be reminded of the unconditional love God has for us, made concretely manifested in Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection.

In total, there were approximately 40 participants at the recollection. EMHC coordinator Albert Cuadrante gave special thanks to Joel Tamor, ably assisted by his wife, Annavi, for arranging the ministry’s Lenten recollection.


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