CTK Life in the Spirit Prayer Community and Healing Ministry held a Healing Service last February 10, Saturday, after the 7:30 pm anticipated mass in celebration of the World Day of the Sick the next day. The service was conducted by Fr. James Matthew of Family Rosary Crusade. The actual ‘healing service’ was preceded by 40 minutes of prayers.

The EMHCs were on hand just in case there were parishioners who would fall backwards or pass out, i.e., ‘slain in spirit’.

Pope John Paul II initiated the World Day of the Sick in 1992 to encourage people to pray for those who suffer fro m illness and for their caregivers. The Pope himself had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s a year before, in 1991, and it is considered that his own illness was impetus for his designation of the day.

World Day of the Sick was Qirst observed on February 11, 1993. February 11 is also the Catholic Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, which a name is given to the Virgin Mary in honor of the apparitions that were seen in and around Lourdes, France, by young Bernadette Soubirous. And did you know that Pope Benedict XVI declared his decision to resign from his post as the Pope on this day in 2013. He cited his failing health as the reason behind his decision.


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