Annual Lenten Recollection for Kasambahay and Drivers
Christ the King held its annual Lenten recollection for kasambahays and drivers last March 26, Holy Monday, and March 27, Holy Tuesday at St. Luke’s Room, from 9 am to 5 pm. The program was exactly the same for both days.
The recollection was organized by the Catholic Women’s League, or CWL, headed by Alma Yeh. This annual program actually started 18 years ago during the time of Monsignor Jaime Mora, Christ the King’s Cirst parish priest.
The recollection was facilitated by three seminarians – Brother Arvin Uriat, Brother RJ Demol, and Brother Kenneth Parsad. It will be recalled that Brother Kenneth was one of the speakers tapped by Louie Laudico and Anna Lagman of the Vocation Ministry for the Vocation Forum last year.
Both days drew more than 30 attendees coming from the different villages nearby – Acropolis, Green Meadows, Ivory Court, Enclave, White Plains and St. Ignatius. Lunch and merienda for both days were served free of charge.
The first recollection session began at 9 am, facilitated by Brother RJ. After morning merienda, the second morning session began at 10:45, facilitated by Brother Arvin. Lunch was at 12 noon. Session no. 3 resumed at 1 pm, facilitated by Brother Kenneth. Then at 2 pm, for an hour, CWL scheduled a group sharing, with participants expressing their take-aways, questions, apprehensions, doubts, as well as expressions of guilt. Then at 3 pm, Brother Kenneth gave a 15 minute input on the Sacrament of Confession even while the Cirst group got organized in the baptistry to begin their confessions with Fr. Serge Maniba. Everyone was encouraged to pray the rosary while waiting for confession. Others were encouraged to do silent journal writing. The day concluded with a mass at 4 pm.