Fr. Bong invited Mila San Juan, President & CEO of The House Printers, to a thanksgiving lunch at Crisostomo Restaurant in Eastwood Mall last March 17, a Saturday. Fr. Bong, together with Parish Pastoral Council secretary Fely Ong and Treasurer- Media Ministry heads Bing and Elise del Rosario, thanked Mila for nearly 20 years of free printing services. This included the printing for Fr. Bong’s planned April 9 silver sacerdotal anniversary. Bing del Rosario also thanked Mila for the free printing of the quarterly CTK newsletter, The Herald.

At the same meeting, Fr. Bong ofCicially informed Mila that he was leaving CTK by mid-June but no ofCicial announcement had yet been made as to his replacement. Fr. Bong expressed the hope that Mila would continue support the parish even ‘under new management’. Fr. Bong hinted to Mila that he would try to arrange a meeting between her and the new parish priest even if he was already out of the picture.

Mila had been a permanent fixture in the Parish Pastoral Council of Christ the King-Greenmeadows parish since the early years of the parish church under Fr. Jaime Mora. She was convinced in 1995 by Monsignor Mora to take on the Worship Ministry and stepped down only when Fr. Mora was replaced by Bishop Honesto Ongtioco in 2005.

Although no longer active with CTK since she moved residence to the hills of Antipolo back in 2011, Mila continues to support the parish by continuing to provide printing services for the parish newsletter free of charge, which she has been doing since 1995.

Even at 70, Mila continues to keep full working hours at The House Printers.

Mila is determined to become a major player in the board and paper packaging sector.

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