After thorough review of the General Instructions of the Roman Missal and the Code of Canon Law, our bishop, Most Reverend Honesto Ongtioco, signed the circular on ‘Diocesan Guideline on the Universal Law on the Posture of Kneeling at Mass’ that was released last April 16.

The said circular stated: ‘In the Diocese of Cubao, we hereby exhort all to follow the Universal norm of kneeling after the Sanctus, during the Consecration, and stand after the Consecration, with the Mysterium Fidei.’ That is, when the priest says, ‘the Mystery of Faith’, everyone should stand.’

The CTK parishioners were regularly reminded as part of the pre-mass announcements, by electronic bulletin board message, and by the commentator reminding the congregation immediately after the priest had said, ‘The Mystery of Faith’.

In addition, a full copy of the circular had been posted at the CTK website

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