Volunteer Xavier Students Visit CTK

Volunteer Grade 9 students from Xavier School were welcomed and oriented about the CTK during their initial visit last February 24. Accompanied by their CLE Department head Mary Mesina, the 24 students will be involved with Mustard Seed or Coffee After Church greeter assignments in the coming Sundays during the summer. The process was a repeat of the previous Sunday when a smaller group of Xavier School students together with girl student volunteers from Poveda and St. Paul similarly paid a courtesy call on Christ the King Parish. At the February 16 meet-up, Mina Mejia, head of CTK Children’s Ministry a.k.a. Mustard Seed Ministry, gave a slide show-based presentation to the child volunteers which briefly covered the history of the parish, how the Parish Pastoral Council is organized, the physical map of the parish, the parish staf@ing complement, a brief background of the parish priest, the different areas where youth volunteers can help, and CTK as a Stewardship Parish. She also introduced a short reflection time during her talk.

The same February 16 process was followed on February 24, but in addition, the children were grouped into 3s, 4s or 5s, during reflection time where the student groups reflected on the CTK Stewardship Prayer and among themselves talked about the passage that struck their hearts the most and what actions might they take towards that end in the future. This was organized by Mina Mejia to provide the volunteers with a feeling of parish participation, fellowship, and experience in working in small teams. The volunteer group was welcomed by parish priest Fr. Steve Zabala.
The contact was made by Xavier School through CTK Vocation Ministry head Louie Laudico.