2nd Commissioning for 2019 Liturgical Ministers
The 2nd commissioning of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion or EMHCs was held during the January 13, Sunday, 10:30 am mass. A total of 15 additional EMHCs were commissioned. Earlier that day, at the 9 am mass, 42 additional lectors and commentators were formally commissioned at the 2nd commissioning of LeComs by Fr. Steve Zabala. This second commissioning was arranged to make sure that the EMHCs and LeComs who failed to attend the the last one held last November 18 had another chance to get accredited for 2019. The 42 LeComs joined the 95 LeComs commissioned on November 18 plus the 12 new lectors commissioned a week earlier, for a total of 149 authorized 2019 lectors and commentators.
The following week, on January 20, at the 9 am mass, Fr. Steve Zabala commissioned three new altar servers: Gian Borja, Ramon Sison, and Luigi Sison.