58 + 29 + 23 + 15.

These are the number of years of joyful ministry that CTK’s Bishop Raul Martirez (March 1961) Fr. Henry Ferreras (March 1990), Fr. Steven Zabala (March 1996) and Fr. Jojo Gatdula (March 2004) are marking this year.

During the Eucharistic celebration for the March sacerdotal anniversaries of these priests last March 23, a Saturday, Bishop Raul shared in his homily that he was brimming with gratitude for the gift of faith, love and sharing in the priesthood. He admitted that there were a lot of challenges in his 58 years as a priest and 36 years as a bishop, but he has found out that the way to remain in love with the priesthood is to be ever joyful. ‘Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God. A joyful priest magniYies that presence by bringing a sense of joy in purpose,’ said Bishop Raul.

Bishop Raul said that he recently witnessed this ‘happy priest’ attitude in the person of CTK’s pastor, Fr. Steve Zabala when the latter spontaneously broke out with a rendition of ‘Mr. Suave’ during a meal at a restaurant. ‘This is my idea of a happy priest! Happiness lies in the fulfillment of vocation’, enthused Bishop Raul.Strangely enough, Fr. Steve, the happy pastor, got the call to his ministry by unintentionally eavesdropping on a conversation between his father and a visiting priest when he was just in third grade. The parish priest was checking out the large Zabala brood and asked the Zabala patriarch which of his sons would be suitable for the priesthood. The priest spotted the precocious Steven, and asked, “How about that boy? Can he become a priest?” His father was quite skeptical saying that Steven was the least likely to be one because he is so ‘makulit’. The young Steven overheard the conversation and the seed of vocation was planted in his mind. Much like the time when the prophet Samuel sought out and Yinally anointed the ‘unsuitable’ David, it was clear that God had handpicked whom He wanted as his future minister.

Fr. Steve mused that the most challenging period of his ministry so far had been his stint as parish priest of Our Lady of Pentecost Parish in Loyola Heights. ‘It was daunting for a young priest like myself to lead a church-less, convent-less, property-less and money-less parish!’ Fr. Steve recalls. In the end he overcame all the ‘less’ factors with faith (and a little humor) to form a strong and vibrant community and build a beautiful parish church.

The call to Fr. Henry Ferreras came in a different form – the sutana. Fascinated by the priestly garb, Fr. Henry said he fell in love with the sutana as a young boy and was as an altar server all throughout his elementary years. He confesses that his 29-year priesthood has had its peaks and valleys, the most challenging of which was in 2018 when two of his elder brothers died within six months of each other. ‘I felt like something very valuable to me was lost forever’, Fr. Henry confessed. The double loss made him realize that he had to let God take full control of everything. He remains an educator, teaching Moral Theology at the Immaculate Conception Major Seminary in Bulacan.

Fr. Jojo Gatdula, the ‘bunso’ of the March jubilarians, had his calling at the young age of 12, spurred by what he perceived as a need of God’s flock. ‘I felt the need of the Church for priests to shepherd communities. As I grew older, the desire to respond to that need deepened and I felt God purifying my intentions,’ recalled Fr. Jojo. Looking back, he said he felt the hand of God guiding him along the way. Despite this, thing weren’t always a bed of roses. ‘I went through a renewal program at one time, and was on the verge of leaving my ministry in 2013 due to personal problems but I realized that it’s not about myself but about falling in love with God. That insight kept me going,’ Fr. Jojo shared.

So what will make these priests happy and inspired in their ministry in the years to come?Fr. Steve says he derives inspiration to continue his vocation from the community itself. ‘When my ministry is able to help people spiritually, when their lives and their faith become better and deeper, when I am able to bring Christ to them, and they are able to see Christ in my priesthood – that inspires me,” he says. Fr. Jojo on the other hand, hangs on to a deepening prayer life to sustain him in the years to come. He finds joy in assurance of God’s unconditional love. Ever the educator priest, Fr. Henry feels joy whenever graduation time comes around. He says, ‘Every graduation makes me feel fulYilled – it’s an afYirmation that I have done something relevant. This and the service that we do as priests make me happy and very satisYied.’ But Bishop Raul quotes a great doctor of the Church to reveal what makes them plod along in their ministry joyfully and tirelessly like the proverbial ‘Energizer bunny’.‘To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him is the greatest adventure; to Yind him, the greatest human achievement,’, he said, quoting Saint Augustine of Hippo.Joining the jubilarians in the event were CTK’s Msgr. Tony Mortillero and Archbishop Tito Yllana, Nuncio to Australia.

We continue to pray for our priests. Happy sacerdotal anniversary to the March 2019 jubilarians!

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