Fr. Steve Zabala and the new set of Parish Pastoral Of7icers recently initiated a performance feedback process, where the members of the Parish Pastoral Council as well as their constituencies – think of the 150 Lectors-commentators under the LeCom Liturgical Ministry, the 90 EMHCs, the dozen or so core team members of Family and Life, Youth, Mustard Seed, Sunrise Ministries, etc. – are asked for feedback on how the different ministries had performed for the past year.

The survey, given out at the PPC meeting of May 11, asks respondents to provide feedback on what the parish has done well, on what the parish and the PPC has not done well, on what the parish and the PPC failed to do, and what the parish and the PPC could have done differently. The specific feedback questions:

  • What the ministry or organization or the CTK clergy should con0nue doing, and why
  • What the ministry or organization or the CTK clergy should do slightly differently vs. what it had been doing, and why
  • What the ministry or organization or the CTK clergy should stop doing, and why
  • What the ministry or organization or the CTK clergy should start doing, and why

The survey had a deadline of June 17 so that the feedback could still be used for the 2019-2020 planning process that the ministries had already started.

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