I. June 28 is the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. We invite you to our Holy Hour at 5PM followed by our 6PM mass to be presided by our parish priest, Fr Steve Zabala.

II. You may want to Enthrone the Sacred Heart of Jesus in your homes. Forms are available at the entrance of the Chapel or at the Parish office.

III. Everyone is invited to the following:

• BEC Formation Talk on June 26, 2019, Wednesday, 7pm at the Function Room Greenmeadows Clubhouse. Our Speaker will be Mr. Danny Moran with the topic “Balancing Work, Family & Prayer Life”.

• #NovoATM (Novo at the Moment) on June 29, 6:30pm at Abelardo Hall, UP Diliman. For inquiries, please refer to the screen for details.

• Young Catholic Professional Ministry Executive Talk Series on July 5, Friday, 7:30pm at the Parish Hall. Speaker is Ms. Angela Cole, a Member of Regnum Christi Philippines. For those who are interested to join please contact the Parish office.

IV. CTK Youth Catechism Classes is open to teen-agers ages13-19, Free of Charge on July 6, Saturday, 10am – 12nn at the CTK Formation Center. For registration, please call the parish office.

V. CTK Children’s Choir will hold its first workshop in choral singing on June 30, 2019, Sunday from 10AM-3:30PM at St. Luke’s room. Children ages 8 to 12 years old and who love to sing are welcome to join. Please have your child prepare one song for the initial vocal assessment. For more details and registration, please contact Marj at the parish office.

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