Announcements February 29-March 1, 2020
I. March 1 is the 1st Sunday of the month. Every first Sunday of the month is Stewardship Sunday in Christ the King. There are stewardship envelopes that have been distributed in the pews. Each is encouraged to share time, talent, and treasure as a way of expressing one’s gratitude for blessings received from the Lord. You may drop your envelopes for your offerings of time, talent, and treasure for your planned, intentional, regular giving in the Stewardship box located at the back of the church after this mass or the next time you are in Christ the King. Your offerings of time, talent, and treasure will bless others through the pastoral programs of the parish and the Diocese of Cubao. Offerings of treasure likewise provide the funds for all the ministries in the parish.
II. Inter-Village Way of the Cross at 8pm in Acropolis on March 3; in White Plains on March 4 and in Ivory & Enclave on March 5.
III. Parish Way of the Cross on March 7, Friday, 645PM, at the Main Church.
IV. Students 8 years old and above are invited to join the Mustard Seed Youth choir and the CTK Children’s Choir. Vocal assessment will be held on March 8, 9am, Conference Room, CTK Formation Center. You may sign up at the Parish Office.
V. Parish office will be closed on March 4, Wednesday, Parish Staff Lenten Recollection
VI. Here is an update on Casa Setenta
CTK’s campaign to fund the construction of Casa de Silencio
As for today: Total donation is: P 28.6 million in cash, checks & pledges.
On behalf of our parish priest, Fr Steven Zabala, thank you very much!
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