GreenMeadows 1: On the Road to BEC
First GreenMeadows is earnestly trying to build their gated community into a true Basic Ecclesial Community, or BEC. Already on their third meeting, the third gettogether drew 18 participants. Village coordinators Eileen de Leon and Dulce Barreto invited Fr. Bong Tupino to expound further on what it means to be a BEC. Conducting the GM1 BEC session was resident Mila del Fonso, who talked on ‘Spiritual Warfare’.
The village coordinators-BEC organizers intend to continue having their every-twomonths BEC meeting on the last Wednesday of the second month, at the GM Clubhouse. The first BEC meeting speaker was Rissa Kawpeng and the second meeting speaker was Tessie Moran. The organizers pray that GM1’s BEC will continue to grow – slow and steady.