CTK Altar Servers Undergo Renewal Formation, February 17
The Facilitators of the Ministry of Altar Servers of the Diocese of Cubao went to the different parishes to conduct the Renewal Formation for Active altar servers. Assigned to Christ the King Parish was Brother Angelo Lance Torres who met with the CTK active servers last February 17, Saturday. Brother Lance is on his 3rd year college course on Religious Education at UST. He is presently serving at Sta. Maria Dela Strada Parish in La Vista. Like most of the CTK boys, he also started serving at the age of nine.
The renewal formation is in line with the Year of the Clergy and The Consecrated Persons. The Formation was divided into three parts.
Part 1, Introductions. The altar servers introduced themselves, telling their nicknames, favorite color, and food.
Part 2, Passing of the Light. Each participant was given a candle. The first altar server lit his candle from the Paschal Candle and passed the light to the next altar server until everyone’s candle was lit. The facilitator explained the light as Jesus Christ.
Part 3, Washing of the Feet. This act was used to show the Altar Servers that they are to be examples of humble service to others and witnessing to the life of Jesus with Credibility and Integrity.
The facilitator, Bro. Lance, also explained that the act of washing each other’s feet becomes an act that challenges everyone to live lives in real communion with each other.