With the support of Christ the King Parish and parish priest Fr. Bong Tupino, prolific author and longtime CTK luminary Rudy Ibañez launched his 10th book last May 17 after the 6 pm mass officiated by Fr. Bong Tupino. The book was entitled – ‘How Do You Hold a Moonbeam in Your Hand: the Best of Mom and Me’.

Fr. Bong introduced Rudy, a former Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Eucharist, current member of the Knights of Columbus, and author of eight other books (three of them winning the CMMA Cardinal Sin Book Award, in 2008, 2011, and 2013) then called him to give a short talk about the book before giving everyone in the congregation a free copy of the book and going ahead with the book signing.

More a collection of Rudy and wife Leth’s life stories and the many people who had influenced them than a single storyline, Rudy’s new book is about life, love, family, lessons and wisdom that comes from age and living with God in the midst. And for Rudy, life’s greatest lesson is – true happiness is sharing yourself with others.

The chapters included heartwarming stories on Rudy’s Arellano Class of 55, a lifetime of tutelage with Rudy’s tatay Agripino, his mom Pacita, second chance at life after a near-death experience battling kidney cancer, his long-running love affair with wife Leth, memories of the children growing up, the influence of Fr. Joe on Rudy’s spirituality, the intense friendship with officemate Jim Black, the mentorship and guidance of Lino Imperial, and business role model Unilab’s JY Campos.

When everything is said and done, How Do You Hold a Moonbeam in Your Hand is the story of Rudy and Leth Ibañez, their love for each other, the love of family they had nurtured and continue to nurture, the loving relationships with friends they had diligently watered through the years, and the communities that they continue to serve. It’s an inspiring read and begs the question – could there be a fourth Cardinal Sin Book Award in store?

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