Fr. Bong Tupino, as head of the Casa de Silencio Project Ways and Means Committee, called for a dinner meeting of all the PPC coordinators of the 47 different parishes making up the Cubao Diocese last March 23 at the Obispado de Cubao Building, in Lantana. Of the 47 parishes, 22 sent at least one person, the PPC Lay Coordinator, if not more. A total of 49 representatives attended.

For CTK, Bert and Marie Anne Santos and Bing del Rosario attended.

This was followed up by a dinner meeting cum presentation to the religious orders last April 11. Several male and female religious orders heeded the call of Fr. Bong Tupino and came to listen to the update given by CTK’s Bing del Rosario on the Casa de Silencio project. Also presenting the design was Architect Peter Ong of Archion, the firm responsible for the design of the renewal center. Bishop Honesto Ongtioco graced the occasion, giving the prayer before meal, and delivering the opening and closing remarks. Fr. Jojo Simon, the diocese Chancellor, was also in attendance while Fr. Bong acted as discussion moderator.

The Diocese Steering Committee met with the six short-listed contractors for the pre-bid conference last May 10. The bidders were given roughly three months to submit additional questions and Cinalize their bids.

The Committee also met on the same day with the Holy Redeemer parish officials, including parish priest Fr. Jojo Zerrudo and the PPC officers, to address their concerns about the project.

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