Last May 13, Mother’s Day, which was also the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, Christ the King parish church presiders consistently gave recognition to all the mothers in the crowd by asking them near the end of the mass to go to the front for special blessings. This had been a long-standing tradition that parishioner mothers always look forward to at this time of the year.

Fr. Serge Maniba celebrated both Saturday anticipated masses at 6 pm and 7:30 pm. Bishop Raul Martirez celebrated the 7:30 am Sunday mass, Fr. Ricky Montañez did the 5 pm mass, guest priest Fr. Bong Guerrero ofCiciated the 8 pm mass and guest Bishop Allan Casicas did the 12 noon mass. Fr. Bong Tupino did the other masses – at 6 am, 9 am, 10:30 am, and 6:30 pm.

At the 7:30 pm mass, as with the other masses he officiated, Fr. Bong worked his way from left to right to sprinkle holy water on the proud and beaming moms.


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