Lecom Liturgical Ministry Holds First General Assembly
The Lectors and Commentators Liturgical Ministry, headed by Mel Novales, under the Worship Ministry led by Leila Banico, held its first General Assembly last February 23 at the St. Matthew and Mark Rooms. Originally scheduled for 9 am, the schedule was rearranged to 8 am to accommodate the arrival of the heart relic of St. Camillus de Lellis later that morning.
Mel reviewed the requirements for renewal: the LeCom must have attended at least one General Assembly and two accredited formation talks during the nine months from February to October 2019, must have attended the Lantana Renewal Seminar sometime in the third quarter, and must have been formally commissioned during the fourth quarter. As of February, the accredited Formation talks include:
‣ EMHC General Assembly, held every third Thursdays of the month
‣ EMHC Lenten Recollection scheduled for March 30 am with Fr. Jojo Gatdula as Facilitator
‣ BEC-sponsored formation talks every last Wednesdays of the month at 7 pm in Greenmeadows 1
‣ The Lenten Recollections during the three days of the Easter Triduum (from Holy Thursday to Holy Saturday)
‣ The Easter Recollection scheduled for May 4
‣ The Marian talks on the four consecutive Wednesdays from February 27 to March 20, organized by the Confraternity of Our Lady of Mediatrix of All Grace
Mel also went through the rules for acceptance of new LeComs this year. Candidates need to submit their document requirements by May 20, undergo initial formation and discernment at the parish, and attend the Basic Formation at Lantana, Cubao.
The LeComs were reminded of the General Assembly schedule for 2019, after February 23: April 27, June 19 (Wednesday), August 24, and October 26. Except for June 19, the other assembly dates are all on Saturday, starting at 9 am.
As a final note, Mel Novales reminded all the Lectors and Commentators that in the event that he or she cannot make it on his or her assigned schedule, it is his or her responsibility to look for a substitute and must not pass on this task to the mass coordinator nor to the LeCom officers. He noted that the Viber groups has made it easier for LeComs to look for their substitutes.
Leila Banico then took over to discuss the liturgical details of the Lenten and Easter Seasons.
Nearly a hundred LeCom attended this first General Assembly.