Kumpisalang Bayan is Well Attended

Christ the King Parish’s Kumpisalang Bayan was held from Holy Monday to Holy Wednesday, April 15 to 17, from 6:45 pm right after the end of the 6 pm mass, up to 8 pm. On the last day, April 17, to accommodate the expected larger crowd, nine priests heard confessions, including Fr. Steve Zabala, Bishop Raul Martirez, Msgr. Tony Mortillero, Fr. Henry Ferreras, Fr. Jojo Gatdula, Fr. Jimmy Mathew, Fr. Rex Armenia, and Fr. Elvin Garuco.continue reading →

Fr. Manny Cruz Leads Holy Week Recollection

Christ the King Parish Greenmeadows held its Holy Week Recollection last April 20 from 9:30 am to 12 noon. Invited to faciltate was Fr. Emmanuel ‘Manny’ Cruz, Rector of the Immaculate Conception Major Seminary in Bulacan. Fr. Manny talked about the Call to Holiness in Today’s World, which was also the subtitle of Pope Francis’ third apostolic exhortation ‘Gaudete Et Exsultate’. What is the difference between ‘happiness’ and ‘joy’, Fr. Manny first asked. The answer is - happiness is about feelings and can be created by stimuli and fed from the outside, while…continue reading →

EMHC Visits Quirino Hospital for World Day of the Sick

After giving communion, the CTK Extraordinary Ministers gave away sandwiches and juices (200 of each) with prayer books, rosaries and scapulars. They also gave out 50 pairs of Andas mosquito repellant, one bottle for patient and one bottle for his ‘bantay’. Finally, they turned over P126,000 in donation to the head of the QMMC Social Services Department, Ms. Rosita T. Pineda, and her assistant, Ms. Edna Cruz, Social Service Officer II. In celebration of the World Day of the Sick, eight EMHC ministers led by EMHC Assistant Coordinator Manny de Leon spent the…continue reading →

Greeters and Collectors Hold First General Assembly for 2019

The Greeters and Collectors Liturgical Ministry, led by Beth Monedero and Jeanette Cagurangan, held its :irst General Assembly for 2019, last March 24. Their guest speaker for that morning was Ms. Rissa Singson-Kawpeng, radio personality, author and Editor-in-Chief of Kerygma Magazine, the leading inspirational magazine in the country. The tile of her talk was ‘Taming Your Tongue’, where she elaborated on how chronic gossip, cursing and lying ruins our relationship with God. Confession with Fr. Jojo Gatdula followed the talk. Merienda was served afterwards. Related to this, some parishioners might already have noticed…continue reading →

CTK Gears up for Flores de Mayo Flower Offerings and Summer Religion Classes

May showers also bring the Flores de Mayo celebrations at Christ the King Parish Greenmeadows, marked by praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, the red rose offerings just before every mass, and the summer religion classes for the Libis children. Unlike previous years when the religion classes took the whole month of May, the Catechetical Ministry led by Alma Yeh and Sheryl Coronel decided to hold it for half a month, or two weeks only. And again, another innovation - the ministry decided to focus the classes on the lives of young saints,…continue reading →

Stewardship Author Narrates her U.S. Stewardship Experiences

Mila Glodava, a Fil-American and best- selling co-author of ‘Making Stewardship a Way of Life: A complete Guide for Catholic Parishes’, often referred to as the Philippine ‘bible’ for the journey to Stewardship, gave an enlightening talk to the Stewardship Committee and ‘friends’ last Saturday, May 18, at the Divine Mercy Chapel, from 10 am to 12 noon. The book, a result of the successful pioneering journey of St. Thomas More (STM) parish in Englewood, Colorado, part of the Denver diocese, towards stewardship, was co-written by Fr. Matthew Kemberling, the parish priest who…continue reading →

‘Easterrific’ Replaces Traditional Easter Egg Hunt

Exasperated with the traditional Easter Egg Hunt every Easter Sunday, which had little children scampering for plastic eggs in the small garden in front of the main church, the organizers decided on a new tack for 2019’s Easter Sunday (April 21). First, the organizers, a collaboration among the Family & Life Ministry headed by Regie and Joanne Polancos, the Youth Ministry headed by Louie and Lei Abando, and the Mustard Seed Ministry headed by Sonny and Mina Mejia, decided to hold it indoors, at the Parish Formation Center, rather than outside. Second, they…continue reading →

Mary Scholar Talks on the Virgin Mary in the Bible

Angeline Dee, who has an MA in Theology from the Augustine Institute in Denver, Co., U.S.A., gave a Marian talk on ‘The Bible and the Virgin Mary’, organized by Formation Ministry last May 15. The talk took place from 7:30 pm to 9 pm at the CTK Divine Mercy Chapel. She started with Adam and Eve in the garden with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Adam and Eve were born without sin, but by eating from the Tree, Eve brought onto humanity the three scourges of - painful childbirth,…continue reading →

Record Number of LOC Scholars Graduate From College

For the first time, Christ the King had a record number of seven college graduates who received their baccalaureate degrees this summer. Although they will have different graduation dates, all of them will have graduated before the end of May. Four of the seven were introduced to the Parish Pastoral Council at the April 13 PPC meeting. The seven graduating college scholars included: Jamille Joy Macaraeg, PUP, BSBA major in HRM minor in Service Management Anne Shaine Gonzales, PUP, Bachelor in Banking and Finance Ma. Angelyn Magsumbol, PUP, BS Tourism Management Kim Andrea…continue reading →

Dads Bond With Daughters in ‘May I Have This Dance’

The Family and Life Ministry held their first offering of ‘May I Have This Dance?’, a full-day bonding experience between fathers and daughters last March 24. A brainchild of ministry heads Regie and Joanne Polancos with their core team, the Sunday event was participated in by 15 pairs of dads and daughters, the maximum capacity of the program. Since the event started at 11:30 am, the first activity after opening prayers by Ryanna Polancos and welcome remarks by Regie Polancos was lunch – but lunch with very specific instructions. That is, fathers had…continue reading →