When people whom we love die, we often are so overcome with grief that we don’t know where to turn or even how to feel. At one moment, we think of the wonderful things our loved ones did in their lives; the next moment we are weeping uncontrollably.
Christ the King Parish offers three mortuary chapels where you can hold the vigil service for the deceased. The chapels have different capacities:
Chapel A: capacity is 40 pax
Chapel B: capacity is 60 pax
Chapel C: capacity is 100 pax
The mortuary chapels close at 12 midnight and reopens at 6 am. This gives the bereaved family the opportunity to rest and recover before the next day’s vigil without looking insensitive to visitors desiring to stay longer.
The last night of the vigil is also the best time and place for people to speak on behalf of the deceased loved one and to share the stories, pictures and mementos of the person’s life. Then the final funeral mass is conducted before burial or cremation. Where schedule permits, a priest from the CTK parish can lead the final funeral mass and-or the daily evening vigil masses.
We know that planning a funeral can be a stressful, hectic, and sometimes overwhelming task. Let us help you in these difficult moments. At Christ the King, we can meet with you, help you plan the ceremony, walk you through the entire process, and help answer whatever questions may come up. Please begin by contacting Noel Miro at 8633 0280 and mobile
number: (0908) 365 4255.