The Our Lady of Perpetual Help Vicariate, which includes Christ the King Parish, held the BEC Basic Orientation Seminar for the various parish BEC leaders in the vicariate at the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish. The CTK delegation consisted of four youth leaders f rom the Libis community and Dive BEC leaders from Libis that included Ching Botero, Libis BEC Coordinator, Jo Piyaw, Libis assistant BEC coordinator, and Tiny Perfecto, BEC coordinator for St Ignatius Village . Host i n g the delegations was Msgr. Jun Bogaoan, BEC priest minister of OLPH vicariate and current parish priest of OLPH.

Aside from imparting BEC concepts, the other objective of the vicariatelevel training was to search for highpotential who could be future orientation speakers to handle the basic orientation talks to the various pamayanans, kawans, etc. within the OLPH vicariate or even to other vicariates if the need arose.

The BEC Basic Orientation Seminar had been originally designed for Dive days but was modiDied to Dit into just one day, consisting of: 1, the whys of BEC, i.e., how BEC came to be a thrust of the Philippine Church; 2, BEC spirituality; 3, BEC leadership; 4, the ABCs of BEC, with emphasis on the four hallmarks of BEC; and 5, organizing BECs. As host of the seminar, Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish provided the venue and introduced regular ‘energizers’, under the direction of Sr. Ophelia, the parish’s BEC coordinator, to l iven up the training. CTK coordinator Tiny Perfecto enjoyed the original song composition, ‘Mag BEC Tayo’ with its catchy tune and lyrics, composed by an OLHPBEC member. In fact, Tiny liked the song so much that when she was asked to do the closing prayer at the end of the day, she requested that everyone sing the ‘Mag BEC Tayo’. “I hope that the song can catch on at CTK – or alternatively, that CTK comes up with its own catchy BEC song and shares it with other parishes,” said Tiny.

The BEC reps were also informed that the CBCP will be rolling out more training modules in line with the BEC theme. In addition, some of the coordinators, including Tiny Perfecto, had been involved in the preparation of 10-minute BEC awareness modules as members of the ‘BEC sa Sampung Minuto’, or BSM team. Soon, the full suite of 10-minute modules will be made available to the parishes and they will be free to pick and choose.

Tiny Perfecto was philosophical when asked if accelerating the BECs in the CTK context was doable. “Journeying with the BEC communities towards a parish that is a true communion of communiti e s cannot be done overnight. There are still skills that need to be learned, especially on how to effectively ‘connect’ with others in the community. We also have the added challenge of the gated communities,” Tiny mused. She continued, “The task of the current leaders is to prepare the Dield, sow the seeds, and let God do the rest. When everything falls into place, the impossible can become possible.”

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